Monday, February 22, 2010

Newsletter sign up

Be the first to know about new products and specials, sign up for Red Rata's bi monthly newsletter, full of interesting info. Click here and pop in your name and email address. We would love you to join our group of Red Rata friends.

jam jam and more jam

I just love making Jam at the moment. Boysenberry, Blueberry, Grapefruit Marmalade and now Raspberry Jam.

But you need to collect lots of jars, thanks Megan!

Next I plan to make pickles, chutneys and sauces. Not today though.

You can't beat a hot buttery piece of toast with your very own jam on it, or your 3yr old asking for 'mummy's yummy red jam that mummy made'!!!

Ever heard of Parabens?

The word Parabens isn't used in everyday conversation, but they are used in almost 99% of cosmetics and beauty products. And they are not good. Look for methyl, ethyl and propyl parabens in the ingredients list of your products, and avoid them like the plague!

Parabens are chemical preservatives, used to prevent products from spoiling so they can effectively stay on the shelf for a very long time.

But once they are on our body via a moisturiser, lipstick, sunscreen or whatever, parabens are absorbed into your bloodstream and major organs, where their preservative action continues! Some research has actually found residues of these chemicals in cancerous tumours! Yuk!! They also disrupt the delicate hormone balance in our body's as they mimic oestrogen, and can cause skin irritations.

Enough of that scary stuff.

Luckily there are alternatives. Natural beauty products work just as well if not better and you know that you aren't risking your health unnessecarily. Look out for natural preservatives like tea tree oil, grapefruit seed extract or Vitamin E.

At Red Rata we only sell products that contain natural preservatives. So keep an eye out for those nasty lurking parabens and choose natural alternatives instead to keep you healthy.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Don't forget to breathe

I was lucky enough to have a massage the other day, and it was incredible. A whole hour of lying down in the middle of the day, that never happens.

It made me think about how we really need to look after ourselves, massages would be nice but are a very rare treat. But we should remember to breathe, should be natural but its easy to forget to breathe properly.

Using our diaphragms, so our tummy goes out as we breathe in, means your body is breathing well and being treated to the wonderful oxygen we need to feel good. So take a deep breath and breathe.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


If you in Wanaka, or passing by, you are more than welcome to stop by and try some of Red Rata's products. And as you sample, I can make you a cuppa and sometimes my little girl helps me bake, so the bikky tins could be full (if her mummy hasnt got to them that is). Look forward to seeing you.

Gorgeous NEW Baby Balm

Yours Naturally Baby Balm is a fantastic barrier cream for baby's little bottom.

It has a lovely gentle honey and lavender smell. As it contains Tea Tree Oil it is super on cuts and works wonders as a moisturiser on dry skin, baby's and yours!

Hand made in New Zealand by Franda.

Ingredients: Olive Oil, Castor Oil, beeswax, lavender essential oil, Tea Tree Oil

Red Rata have 120 gm glass jars for a very affordable $11.00.

I have used this wonderful balm on my 13 month old, even when he had terrible nappy rash, it cleared it up. It is such a beautiful product, I use it as a hand moisturiser too as they get so dry washing nappies every day.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Natural Baby Bath

We went camping in the weekend. I love this picture. Bathing naturally!

Ingredients: big bucket, warm water, chemical free baby body wash (Herbal Selections from Red Rata), cups, facecloth and a dusty, dirty 1 year old.

Position yourself on the grass under the trees in the shade, with a warm breeze, plonk baby in the water, grab a drink and the camera and sit back to relax.

Our camping experience with two littlies worked out wonderfully and fun was had by all. The next day they were right back in the dust and dirt, just how it should be.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Victorian Valentines Day card

Valentines Day Goodies

Valentines Day is in 5 days.

A day to celebrate love and affection. It began in 496AD by Pope Gelsius I!! Something interesting to whisper to your loved one this Sunday!!

Flowers, chocolates and handwritten cards are the traditional ways to say I Love You. But at Red Rata our tradition is to pamper and treat your loved one to something a little luxurious yet chemical free and altogether natural. Your intentions are pure and simple!!

Here are a few suggestions for gifts. Take a look at Red Rata for details...
For her
  • Essence Sandalwood & Rose Geranium Body Oil
  • Herb Farm Pamper Bath Salts
  • Herb Farm Rose or Rosehip Face Cream
  • Essence Lavender Hand and Body Cream
  • Herb Farm Rosehip and Citrus Body Lotion
  • Soaps, Lip Balms and more...
For him
  • Herb Farm Men Moisturiser
  • Vanilla Lip Balm
  • Herb Farm Lime Shower Gel
  • Soaps and Lip Balms
Also check out our Pamper Packs for Him ($65) and Pamper Packs for Her ($60)

Order before Thursday so it can be fastposted to you, or your lover. And you will get a FREE handmade gift card to write XXXXOOOOXXXX

Happy Valentines Day, I hope you are treated as well.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Face Cream special

The Herb Farm make the most glorious natural face creams, you will love this natural skincare range, and they are made in New Zealand. Choose from Rose, Rosehip and there is also a wonderful Men's moisturiser. You will love the smell and just how luscious they feel on your face.

Buy two face creams for only $45. One for you and one for your man, or if you wish to really treat your face, two for yourself! Check out these beautiful natural face creams here.

Sun safe at school

The kiddies are back at school and pre-school this week. My little girl started pre-school for the first time ever this morning and loved it. I picked her up and her little paint covered face looked up at me beaming saying she didn't want to go home!!

Since summer has arrived and it is so hot it is handy to keep some sunscreen in their school bags. Apply it when you drop them off and then the teachers can re-apply it during the day, espcially after water play.

Red Rata have the perfect solution, a small 100gm tube, just right for little bags. Absolutely Natural sunscreen is SPF30, contains no nasty chemicals and safe for kids and babies to use. $23 for a small tube and I can post it straight away.

And dont forget their hat and sunglasses too.

Enjoy this glorious sun safely, another 30degree day here in Wanaka!