Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Easy Cleaning

With two kiddies, cleaning my house is a mission. Its often a mess, toys everywhere, but I try to keep our home clean. I did a quick whip around the bathroom, loo and kitchen tonight and it was easy.

It makes it much easier to not have to worry about loads of different cleaning products. I just use one!! Earthwise Anti-Bacterial Multi-Purpose Spray which does everything. Spray and clean everthing. Simple and quick.

Its chemical free, cleans to a shine and keeps you healthy at the same time. Plus you then have more time to tidy up the toys, or play with them :-)

Find out more about this fantastic natural home care product at Red Rata.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

NEW Baby Essentials Pack

When you have a brand new baby its so hard to know what you need to look after them. There are so many lovely sounding chemical laden products filling the shelves that you think you must need heaps of lotions and potions to keep their little bodies healthy and clean.

But you don't. And it is really simple. Ensure you choose chemical free natural products which are the kindest products and work best on your baby's body.

Less is more!! Baby really only needs three natural essentials.

1 - a good soothing and healing balm for their bottom. Tui Bee Balme works wonders and is an amazing moisturiser for the whole family.

2 - a plain cold pressed vegetable oil to massage their wee bodies. Lotus Sweet Almond Oil is perfect for this.

3 - a very gentle body wash for the bath. Actually in the first few weeks little babies only need to be washed with water and they don't even need a bath everyday. Then you will need Herbal Selections Baby Body Wash, and the smallest amount, just a pinhead amount, does the trick nicely.

Red Rata have made it easy for you and put together a Baby Essentials Pack with these three essentials for youy baby. And you save money when you get them all together.

A Baby Pack is $25 for a 50gm Bee Balm, 100ml Sweet Almond Oil and a 250ml Body Wash

Visit Red Rata for more information and order online.

Wishing you and your baby a very special time as you get to know one another.


Sunday, July 4, 2010

Baby massage

Massaging your baby is a wonderful way to share something special with your little one. It is incredibly calming and soothing whilst nourishing their tender skin.

Never use mineral oils for massage. This is a common ingredient in common baby oils found in supermarkets and pharmacies.

Choose natural cold pressed vegetable oils such as Sweet Almond Oil. Infant massage therapists suggest a very plain oil such as this is a perfect medium for baby massage.

Red Rata now stock Lotus Sweet Almond Oil which is just what you need for baby massage. It is a 100ml glass bottle ($6) and for a little extra you can choose a pump lid for spill free easy access to your oil ($7).

Enjoy getting to know your little one through touch.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

I love bubbles!!

Cold winter nights mean relaxing in a hot bath and what better than to add lots of bubbles. No need to worry about soaking up loads of chemicals though as Red Rata has the best natural bubble bath from Herbal Selections. Heaps of bubbles, they do as a body wash as well.

Check the bubbles out at online at Red Rata and save. A 250ml bottle of bubbles for $10!